We Are FitBoxe.

So many hearts. A single beat.



More Martial. More Technical. More Effective.



More dynamic. More responsive. More creative.

We Are Combat Fitness.

IBFF Disciplines®

Combat Fitness declined in all its forms. From GroupBoxing® to GroupSparring®, to StrikeBoxe® up to GroupBoxing® Kids, the specific activity for children aged 6 to 12 years. But not only GroupFunctional, the IBFF® Functional Training!

IBFF Blog®

News, advice, suggestions not only about our activities, but also about nutrition, marketing and everything that revolves around fitness, all organized by experts.

Official IBFF Club®

The exclusive circuit reserved for IBFF partner clubs ® that host training courses, MasterClasses, events and official events throughout the national territory.

Become an IBFF® instructor

If you are passionate about Combat Fitness, and beyond, a new professional path begins. Improve your skills, learn technique and methodology and acquire the right skills to make your passion a great job!

IBFF® Shop

On line soon!

IBFF® events

Torna EXPERIENCE – Enjoy the Silent Capitanato e organizzato dalla nostra straordinaria Presenter Toscana Arianna Breschi congiuntamente alla palestra Time Out Firenze , il format in Silent della IBFF® arriva per la prima volta a Firenze. Insieme a lei uno splendido Team di Istruttori che darà vita ad un’ora e [...]
Per la prima volta saremo a Milano nel “My Personal Trainer Days” ospiti di My-personaltrainer.it con la MasterClass di GroupBoxing Sparring con Vincenzo Mazzarella e il National Team Lombardia. La prestigiosa Area Palco in Piazza Sempione – Arco della Pace sarà la cornice della Master di Sabato 14 Settembre alle [...]
20.09.24 - 22.09.24
GroupBoxing sarà ancora una volta al Bibione Beach Fitness! Ti aspettiamo al sacco Sabato e Domenica per le MasterClasses in uno scenario davvero unico. Con 20 mila metri quadrati di spiaggia a disposizione; Pedane allestite di fronte al mare offrono uno scenario mozzafiato; Il National Team guidato da Vincenzo Mazzarella [...]

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