INFORMATION PURSUANT to the European Regulation (EU) 2016/679

This Privacy Policy ( “Policy” ) is intended to illustrate the methods and purposes of the processing of personal data carried out by « IBFF ® – ITALIAN BOXING& FITNESS FEDERATION », by Vincenzo Mazzarella, based in San Donà di Piave (VE), Via Ca ‘Turcata, n. 7 / A, Tax Code MZZVCN81A31F839V and Partita I.V.A. 04430100273 as data controller (hereinafter the “Owner” ) of the site (the “Site” ) and the services connected to it (the “Services” </ strong>).

IBFF respects the privacy of every user who visits the Site and who uses the Services ( “User” ). The Policy does not apply to third party sites accessible through external hypertext links on the Site.

The processing of Users’ personal data will take place in accordance with the applicable legislation, with particular reference to Articles 13 and 14 of the European Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (hereinafter GDPR), and in relation to the personal data of which IBFF will become available on the basis of the expressed consent and for the following purposes (hereinafter, jointly, the “Applicable Privacy Policy” ).

1. Categories of personal data processed by IBFF

IBFF may process the following categories of Users’ personal data:

  • identification and contact data (e.g. name, surname, email, telephone number, etc.);
  • data relating to the content of electronic communications exchanged for the purposes referred to in paragraph 2;
  • data relating to User activities on the IBFF social pages e.g. blog, Facebook, etc.)
  • data relating to the IP address or device ID of a User through which the Site is accessed or the Services are used;
  • data relating to the type of browser used by Users, as well as the date and time of use to access the Site or the Services;


2. Purposes and legal bases for the processing of personal data

IBFF processes Users’ data mainly to allow them access, registration and navigation on their Site, as well as the use of the Services and the possibility of finding work.

Any further processing takes place only on the basis of obligations established by law, or with the explicit consent provided by the User to the Owner.

In particular, IBFF collects and processes Users’ personal data, with written consent, for the following purposes: organization and performance of sporting or federal activities.
fulfillment of obligations under the law, sports regulations, community legislation, as well as the provisions issued by the Authorities legitimated by the law; promotion of sports activities; organization of events involving the Association and therefore also sponsorship purposes; commercial activities, marketing, promotion of commercial initiatives, product sales, advertising carried out by the Association or by third parties with which the Association maintains relationships, also by sending commercial, explanatory, advertising material.

3. Data retention times

The personal data processed by IBFF on the basis of the User’s consent will be kept for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were originally collected and, in any case, will no longer be processed following any revocation of the consent given.

If the processing of personal data should instead take place in fulfillment of legal, fiscal or judicial obligations, the data may be kept for a maximum of ten (10) years.

For more information about the criteria and times for which we keep your data, you can contact the Data Protection Officer Vincenzo Mazzarella at the following address email

4. Processing methods

All personal data will be processed mainly through electronic tools and methods, however the treatment by paper means is not excluded a priori by IBFF.

The Data Controller will take all necessary security measures in order to minimize the risks of destruction or loss, even accidental, of the data themselves, of unauthorized access or of processing not allowed or not in accordance with the purposes indicated in this document.

However, as it is not possible to guarantee that the measures adopted for the security of the Site and the transmission of data are such as to exclude any risk of unauthorized access or dispersion of data, we invite the user to make sure that his computer is equipped with software. updated antivirus for data protection – both incoming and outgoing – and that your Internet service provider has adopted firewalls and anti-spam filters, or other suitable measures for the security of data transmission.

5. Communication and disclosure of personal data

IBFF will not communicate Users’ personal data to third parties without their prior consent.

Where such communication is necessary for support needs of the Services through the Site, IBFF will appoint the aforementioned third parties responsible or sub-responsible for the treatment in accordance with the Applicable Privacy Law.

6. Transfer of personal data abroad

Users’ personal data will not be transferred to countries not belonging to the European Union and which do not ensure data protection levels in line with the Applicable Privacy Law.

7. Processing of personal data of minors

The use of the Site and the Services is reserved only to adult users. IBFF does not process personal data of minors under eighteen (18) years without parental consent.

8. User rights

The Data Controller can be freely contacted for any request regarding this Policy by writing to IBFF, San Donà di Piave (VE), Via Ca ’Turcata, n. 7 / A. Or by sending an email to The IBFF Data Protection Officer can be contacted at the same address.
Pursuant to the Applicable Privacy Law, Users will have the right to:

  1. be informed of the purposes and methods of processing their personal data;
  2. access to your personal data;
  3. obtain a copy of your personal data, where these are stored in countries outside the European Union, as well as obtain an indication of the place where such personal data is stored or transferred;
  4. request the correction, updating or integration of your personal data;
  5. request the cancellation, anonymization or blocking of the processing of your personal data;
  6. to object, in whole or in part, to any processing carried out through automated decision-making processes, including profiling;
  7. withdraw your consent to the processing, where provided, freely and at any time;
  8. contact the Data Protection Officer of the Data Controller;
  9. file a complaint with the Guarantor for the protection of personal data.

Pursuant to the Applicable Privacy Law cd. GDPR, starting from May 2018, Users will also have the right to exercise the following rights:

  • the right to data portability or the right to receive your personal data in a structured format, commonly used and readable by an automatic device, and the possibility of being able to transmit it to another data controller freely and without hindrance;
  • the right to request the limitation of the processing of their personal data.

9. Cookie Policy and Terms of Use

The Services and the Site are also governed by the Terms and Conditions of Use, available at the following link as well as by the IBFF Cookie Policy available at this link.

10. Links to third party sites and social plugins

The Data Controller does not control and has no way of supervising neither the content nor the policies on the processing of personal data of websites and third-party services accessible through the links contained within the Site, including any social plugins. Therefore, IBFF cannot in any case be held responsible for the treatments carried out through or in relation to these third party sites.

Users are therefore invited to pay the utmost attention in this regard, by viewing the conditions of use and the privacy and cookie policy published on the portals visited.

If IBFF provides links to websites and services managed by third parties exclusively to facilitate users’ navigation, it is understood that the activation of these hypertext links does not entail, nor must it be understood, any kind of recommendation or signaling by the Owner for access to and navigation on these websites, nor any guarantee regarding their content, or the goods and services provided through them.

11. Changes and updates

This Policy has been updated and applicable since May 2018.
Any further changes will be communicated to Users by means and times deemed most appropriate by the Owner, in particular through the publication on the website.