
The IBFF® team represents its strength. A group of professionals, united by the passion and sense of belonging to the IBFF® project, operating in a capillary manner throughout the national territory and beyond, to guarantee constant presence and support to instructors and clubs. The IBFF® team is made up of institutional representatives, always in contact with each other and continuously updated.

Creator and Director


Vincenzo Mazzarella

Creator IBFF®

Semplicità. Concentrazione. Ricercatezza.
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Master Trainer


Gloria Brandi

GB® Trainer Specialist - Umbria

Volteggia come una farfalla, pungi come un’ape
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Michele Lambiase

GB® Trainer - Lombardia

La forza non è nell'energia delle mani ma nella volontà della nostra mente
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Alena Marshyna

Trainer - Bielorussia

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Arianna Breschi

GB® Presenter - Toscana

Datemi una leva e solleverò il mondo
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Claudio Levrè

GB® Presenter - Lombardia

Ride the fight and never give up
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Michela Papa

GF® Beats Presenter - Lombardia

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Mercurio Pastore

GB® Presenter - Campania

Divertirsi è la regola fondamentale dello star bene
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Tiziana Timmoneri

GB® Presenter - Sicilia

Cerca la magia anche quando ti diranno che non esiste
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Regional Coordinator


Caterina Montanaro

Regional Coordinator - Emilia Romagna

Per essere un bravo maestro, bisogna continuare ad essere un ottimo allievo
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