IBFF® IBFF® Italian Boxing & Fitness Federation is the academy created and developed by Vincenzo Mazzarella who works in fitness and in particular in Combat Fitness. The idea was born in 2013 and in 2017 it became a concrete entrepreneurial reality, placing itself as an industry leader.
The goal is to help the instructors, or those who want to become one, to train professionally, acquiring skills and knowledge based on study and experience, on theory and practical application, through a constant and continuous support path.
What IBFF® proposes is a “continuous training” that does not end in a few days but that accompanies the instructor, even after the training course, providing him with concrete tools for growth, understanding and even integration. The training is developed in different ways:
- Classic Education, which is the classic, essential, direct, face to face training in the classroom with our trainers.
- Digital Education, or post-course training through exclusive video tutorials.
- Social Education, that is, the training disseminated through the website and the reserved and exclusive social groups.
The prerogative is to satisfy all the protagonists of the movement, enthusiasts, technicians and fitness centers.
The heart of the training is Combat Fitness and is conveyed through the GroupBoxing brand ® Academy. Over the years the GroupBoxing brand ® Academy has become synonymous with quality, creativity and professionalism, so as to become a reference point for the sector.
Strength is the method. A method studied, linear, coherent, even scientific. A structure that allows the instructor to have a precise direction to follow without, however, forcing him into a depersonalizing cage. The idea is that of a perfectly organic and systemic free style that gives the opportunity to be heterogeneous even though within a common homogeneity.
Having become a reference for the training of professionals in the sector in Italy, IBFF® Italian Boxing & Fitness Federation with GroupBoxing® Academy is today bringing its Made in Italy experience abroad, always focusing on excellence, professionalism and creative innovation. The new challenge is to bring one’s vision into training in other areas of the fitness industry.
Vincenzo Mazzarella
Creator and technical director of IBFF® Italian Boxing & Fitness Federation and owner of the related brands, author of all the GroupBoxing® Academy manuals, crazy, passionate, visionary, reckless, courageous and stubborn like Steve Jobs. Convinced assertor that “the true art lies in the tower, not in laying”, that is that true refinement lies in a didactics that simplifies without being trivial and that can teach to know how to make do, which is the ultimate essence of those who teach.
GroupBoxing ® Academy is the IBFF sector ® entirely dedicated to Combat Fitness in all its forms.
A method that takes its cue from boxing and martial arts, without choreographic features, without mnemonic stress with the aim of being effective, credible and close to the world of the ring. The philosophy is to train and train with simplicity and methodological consistency and with the knowledge that you can create a training lesson, fun and intense by dismantling the belief in the need to “do so much” and focusing on the indispensability of “doing good”. Because the sometimes can become superfluous.