The Strikes, special hitters designed and patented ad hoc, take hold giving life to an extremely intense and very functional training. A “one to one” workout for couples that takes its cue from pre-boxing and martial arts sparring activities, but recoded in a musical fitness key. The result is a truly incredible experience, a job not only of the highest cardiovascular impact, but which also requires a great capacity for concentration and focus on the technical gesture and the target. We thus fully identify with the role of the Fighter , with the simulation even more likely, and therefore functional, of the fight. All this while guaranteeing maximum safety in the aggregating and empathetic reality of group fitness.
The advantages of GroupSparring ® are:
Duration: 1 day, 8 hours of course
Indicative times: 9.30-18.30
Prerequisites: none but it is recommended to have participated in CombatFitness classes, preferably GroupBoxing ® .
Practice Test
156 € for IBFF® Instructors, 187 € for outsiders, within 15 days. before the course start date, after that date the fee will be increased by 20 €.
For instructors who have already participated in CombatFitness trainings, IBFF ® Official Club, Graduates in Sport Sciences, FPI Technicians discounted and reserved fees.
2€ must be added to be delivered by hand for the revenue stamp for the invoice.
Costs are subject to change.